Old Main building at Gustavus Adolphus College during sunrise.

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  • Emelia Gifford ’25

    “[Professor Kate Aguilar] has gone out of her way to make sure I am getting the most out of my time here at Gustavus and…

  • Lauren MacLean ’24

    “I was drawn to the minor of sport management because I am passionate about sports psychology and this was a great avenue for me to…

  • Jessica Stadick

    “As a nursing student over 20 years ago, I often sat in class and wondered how education could be more hands on or application based,…

  • Sharon Marquart

    “I believe that the dynamics at work in contexts such as the classroom can help to construct more equitable and diverse communities outside of academic…

  • Matthew Panciera

     “I try to give them all the tools and opportunities for real learning, and I want them to ultimately not need me as a teacher”…

  • Joaquin Villanueva

    “I am interested in understanding how space and our surrounding environment is arranged around particular conceptions of race, class, and gender.” What are your areas…

  • Priscilla Briggs

    “I encourage students to move beyond their comfort zones toward confidence in their ability to solve problems creatively as they exercise imagination, curiosity, and commitment.”…

  • Kate Aguilar

    “I see myself as a facilitator helping students to think about history as a practice, whether they pursue it as a major or not.” What…

  • Jennifer Ackil

    “Inspiration, interesting ideas, and opportunities for growth are everywhere and diving into an area of study that piques your interest can be life changing.” What…

  • Lucie Holmgreen

    “I want students to understand and have faith in the idea that they are capable of learning, improving, and figuring it out!” What are your…