Category: Profile

  • Jillian Elton ’25

    “In addition to an inviting learning atmosphere, every professor that I’ve taken a class with intentionally ties coursework to prevalent social issues and events, anywhere from a local to global scale.” As someone who wants to be prepared for a dynamic workforce, Jillian was drawn to a major in Communication Studies due to its interdisciplinary…

  • Mitch Veith ’25

    “A sense of community is found through in class group discussions as well as group work on presentations and projects outside of class.” Mitch decided to major in Communication Studies due to the collaborative and engaging nature of the first Communication Studies classes that he took. Since declaring his major, Mitch has found a tight-knit…

  • Anika Smuts ’27

    This First-Year From Palo Alto, CA, on Snow, Tater Tot Hot Dish, And Life As a Gustie. Folks have bets on when Smuts is going to pull out her parka. “My roommate’s from Hallock, MN, like 30 miles from Canada. Her guess was Oct. 12,” Smuts says. But as of Oct. 30, Smuts has kept…

  • Joe Weckwerth ’24

    The Show Continues To Go On For This Multifaceted Ninth-Semester Senior And Human. As a Physics and Philosophy double major, the fundamentals of our human world are always on the forefront for Weckwerth. The two really do work hand-in-hand, he says. Physics asks you to think critically about the physical world. Philosophy asks you to…

  • Angela Erickson ’01

    What Does It Mean To Be a “Gustie For Life”? When Erickson was looking at colleges, she thought Gustavus wasn’t an option. “I didn’t think I had the resources to attend a private school,” she says. “But my high school counselor said that Gustavus would support me.” That counselor was right. Erickson’s financial aid package…

  • Emi Jono ’25

    “[Nursing Faculty] are understanding, supportive, and flexible, and I feel that I can come to them for questions and advice anytime.” Emi decided on a major in nursing due to the impact that nurses had on her life as a prenatal baby, saying “After contact with my neonatal nurse, my interest in nursing increased and…

  • Megan Lipke ’25

    “I appreciate doing the readings for class and getting to share ideas with fellow classmates and the professor.” Megan decided on a major in History after taking her first History course at Gustavus and realizing that courses in the History Department were different from those she had taken in highschool. Since then, she has appreciated…

  • Elizabeth Orton ’25

    “Each professor has a unique style that promotes student engagement and application of theory and practice.” Coming to Gustavus undecided on a major, Elizabeth was drawn to a Communication Studies major after taking Sarah Wolter’s Public Discourse class. In this course, each student developed a change making campaign in their community, which aligned with Elizabeth’s…

  • Allison Held ’25

    “As a future elementary teacher, I feel as though I have a comprehensive understanding of how to teach bottom-up American history to my students with special consideration of how the voices so often left out of the narrative don’t just fill in the gaps but actually tell a much more comprehensive and compelling story altogether.”…

  • Jordan Oelkers ’25

    “The learning and community atmosphere in the Communication Studies Department is welcoming, encouraging, and always open to new ideas.” As someone who enjoys working with people, a major in Communication Studies has allowed Jordan to explore different perspectives, as well as open the door to various different career opportunities in the future. She has enjoyed…