Olivia Jahnke ’25Nursing Major
Posted on January 25th, 2024 by

“I love class with [Jessica Stadick] because she pushes us to think deeper, has helped me realize that I know more than I think I do, and has overall helped me become more confident in my knowledge.”

As a member of the Gustavus Gymnastics Team, Olivia chose to come to Gustavus for the opportunity to continue gymnastics while also pursuing the career path that she is passionate about – nursing.

Always having wanted to work in healthcare, Olivia realized that nursing was the right path for her because she feels that it presents new challenges every day. Within the Gustavus Nursing Department, Olivia appreciates the team-oriented classroom environment in which she has become close with her fellow classmates, as well as her professors. She says, “You are with the same people for the majority of the day so you get to know your classmates really well and everyone is very willing to help each other out.”

Olivia has enjoyed the interactive opportunities that she has had through the department, particularly Medical Surgical Nursing, saying “We were able to go to clinical and learn hands-on in a real setting, have simulation experiences to learn in a more controlled environment, and do hands-on things in the lab during class time.”

The faculty within the Nursing Department have also made a big impact on Olivia’s experience. She has developed an especially strong relationship with Professor Jessica Stadick, who Olivia feels cares about students not just academically but personally. While Professor Stadick pushes students to do their best, she also makes class engaging and enjoyable for them. Overall, Olivia appreciates the Nursing Faculty for serving as mentors for students, and providing them with information and resources to further their career development.

In addition to the Gymnastics Team, Olivia is also involved on campus with the Student Athlete Advisory Committee, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.


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