Cathy HarmsBusiness and Economics
Posted on May 10th, 2024 by

“Work Hard, Have Fun, Choose Kind and Be Present”

What are your areas of research and teaching expertise?Cathy Harms stands in front of classroom.

I teach Marketing, Marketing Research and Digital Marketing.  Marketing is constantly changing and I love to connect key marketing strategies to actual real world practitioners who are doing the marketing every day.

What is your teaching style?
Experiential learning is my key focus.  All of my courses have projects that are done in partnership with an alumni connected business, non-profit or organization.  As we learn marketing strategies, we think about how they work with the organizations that we are engaged with during the semester.  

Describe your “lightbulb moment.”

I have 3 lightbulb moments.  The first one is when one of my guest speakers share the same strategy that we just discussed in class – for example Buyer Personas.  What we are learning is really used in the real world.  Another lightbulb moment is hearing from students that have used their experience on the group project as part of an interview for an internship or job.  The interviewer is impressed and often they get the job.  My final lightbulb moment is hearing back from companies a year after the project and learning that the student recommendations really did help the organization grow.

What tips do you have for student success?

My motto that I share with every class – Work Hard, Have Fun, Choose Kind and Be Present

What do you enjoy outside the classroom?

I love to play pickleball, kayak, bike, play piano and spend time with my family – especially my adorable grandkids!

What campus traditions are your favorite?

Christmas in Christ Chapel is my favorite.  I also love to see all the tulips in the Arb that represent every student at Gustavus.

What is your favorite class to teach?

I like Digital Marketing because we are implementing marketing tactics for our clients and are able immediately see the results of our work.

Where is your favorite place on campus/in St Peter?

The Arb.  I am lucky to have a friend in St. Peter that walks with me in the Arb and tells all the stories about the special plants, trees and spaces.  The design of the Arb is intentional and a wonderful place for a peaceful escape.


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