Julia Nelson ’26Theatre Major
Posted on February 5th, 2024 by

“I want to create art that will envoke emotions out of people, make them think about their own and other perspectives.”

Julia has always loved sharing her art with the world and making people feel something. As a Theatre Major, she has appreciated the opportunity to continue to impact people emotionally.

Julia describes the classroom environment of the Theatre & Dance Department as very supportive and always making efforts to make students feel comfortable and seen. She says, “During Social Justice Theatre, we created a document with agreed-upon class rules that would make our class feel the most comfortable.”

Julia also has an immense amount of respect for the faculty within the Theatre & Dance Department, who put passion and energy into their work. Faculty have always made Julia feel comfortable around them, and she has grown especially close to the Theatre directors, whom she has spent time with as a performer in various Gustavus productions. While faculty in the Theatre & Dance Department push their students out of their comfort zones and push them to challenge themselves, they do so in a way that is supportive and beneficial.

Outside of the department, Julia is also involved on campus with LineUs Improv, as well as Queers & Allies.


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