Sigrid Rohrer ’26French Major
Posted on February 9th, 2024 by

“We encourage each other to deepen our understanding of the topics of our classes and I couldn’t be happier to be in such a collaborative environment for language learning.”

Sigrid decided to major in French in addition to a major in Biology due to a love for the French language and an interest in learning about various Francophone cultures. She was also drawn to the Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Department due to the small class sizes and opportunity to connect with her professors.

Within the department, Sigrid has found an environment that is extremely supportive and inclusive. She has developed close relationships with her classmates and the collaborative nature of her classes fosters encouragement for understanding of the course material.

Through the Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Department, Sigrid has had opportunities to lead class discussions, which has improved her leadership and communication skills. Something else that Sigrid has appreciated about the department is the faculty’s care for their students both in and out of the classroom. She says, “Something special about the French department is the way the profs care about each student as a whole person, interacting in and outside of class.”

Sigrid’s favorite French professor is Professor Severine Bates, saying “I love Severine because she made our class feel like a community by asking about all of our days”. Sigrid appreciates that Prof Bates is herself around her students and puts effort in to make classes fun. As a whole, Sigrid feels that the faculty within the Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Department has made her more prepared for a future career by helping improve skills such as critical thinking, interpersonal skills, and language abilities.

Outside of the department, Sigrid is also involved on campus with the Women’s Soccer Team, Nordic Ski Team, and as the social media officer for the French Club.


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