Ezedin Seid ’24 Posted on May 10th, 2023 by

Ezedin Seid Headshot“I’m always blown away by how willing and enthusiastic faculty are to help their students succeed. I’ve seen that in class and during office hours.”

Ezedin chose Gustavus partially for the small class sizes and one-on-one relationships with professors and this is exactly what he has found within the Biochemistry/Molecular Biology major.

As a pre-med student, Ezedin has taken many difficult courses within the program, but has found them to be manageable with the support of faculty. He points specifically to Professor Scott Bur, who teaches the notoriously difficult Organic Chemistry II. Although this was a very challenging course, Ezedin says that Professor Bur made it tangible for him. “His office hours were helpful and even gave me lots of insightful career advice.”

The faculty within the program have also helped Ezedin get connected to opportunities for experiential learning. After a suggestion from a faculty member, Ezedin applied to a Graduate School Preparedness Conference, which was organized by The American Chemical Society. This experience was very valuable for Ezedin, as he was able to network with scientists from the chemical industry and PhD students. This experience was what ultimately helped him decide that medical school would be the right choice for him.

Within the Biochemistry/Molecular Biology program, Ezedin has appreciated chemistry seminars, during which professors often bring in researchers from across the country to present their work. Ezedin feels that his major in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology has been the right major for him, and the things that he has learned within the department will greatly benefit him in a future career in the medical field.

On campus, Ezedin is also involved with Chem Club, the Center for International and Cultural Education staff, as a student researcher and as a Teacher’s Assistant.


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