Andrew Escoto ‘26Political Science Major
Posted on July 5th, 2024 by

[Prof. Kate Knutson] has guided me into realizing my interests but also is there to simply hear me out.”

Andrew was drawn to a major in Political Science due to an interest in understanding “why people make the political decisions that they make.”

After taking Politics of Race and Racism with Dr. Jill Locke, he was further drawn to a Political Science major, saying “It was such a moving experience, we had difficult conversations in a safe space.”

Andrew describes the atmosphere of the Political Science Department as fun and full of deep, thought-provoking conversations. He appreciates the community-based environment of the department, especially having donuts with the department, which is a great way to connect with professors and other students.

Andrew has developed a particularly strong relationship with Professor Kate Knutson, who is someone that has pushed him to explore new things, and is also someone that will listen to students. He appreciates Professor Knutson as “one of the most caring and understanding people I know.”

Looking toward the future, the Political Science Department has helped Andrew to build connections that will help him in his post-graduate career. Faculty have helped him discover various avenues that he could take with a Political Science major and have given resources for internship opportunities.

Outside of the classroom, Andrew is also involved on campus with Hmong American Cultural Outreach and Asian Student Union.


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