Soren Sackreiter ’26Environmental Studies
Posted on October 18th, 2023 by

“Having such small classes also allows me to get to know my professors to the point where they are giving me emails of their friends doing research I may be interested in.”

Soren Sackreiter outside in fallSoren has always had an interest in environmental stewardship, and he has found the Environment, Geography and Earth Sciences Department to be a place where he can foster this interest and take courses that he enjoys.

Within the department, Soren has especially appreciated opportunities to do hands-on learning and gain fieldwork experience. For example, within his Conservation Biology course, Soren has had the opportunity to travel to the Kasota Prairie, Ottawa Bluffs, and the Chamberlain Woods. He says, “These hands-on experiences not only help me understand course material but have opened my eyes to the many natural spaces we have within 20 minutes of our campus.”

For another class that Soren has taken, he was able to go camping at Afton State Park to examine glacial bedrock formations. This opportunity to travel with his whole class was something that he enjoyed, and something that he feels is unique to Gustavus.

Additionally, Soren plans to study abroad in Iceland to examine the impact of ecotourism on the economy and environment. He says, “I hope to bring my geologic knowledge to examine the continent rift happening beneath our feet.”

Soren’s favorite professor within the Environment, Geography and Earth Sciences Department is Jeff Jeremiason, who he met when he was first interviewing for scholarships at Gustavus. Professor Jeremiason let Soren know about Big Hill Farm, which was something that drew Soren to Gustavus in the first place. He is now co-president of the club, which is something that he is very involved in on campus.

Looking forward, Soren feels that the department has prepared him for any career that he may choose to pursue.

Soren is also involved on campus with cross country, track, and handbells.


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