Xeanna Willaert ‘24Spanish and Nursing Majors
Posted on July 5th, 2024 by

“I think the small class sizes play a big role in fostering such a close-knit community. [The Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Department] is truly a wonderful place to learn and grow as an individual.”

Xeanna Willaert  headshotAs a future nurse, Xeanna decided to pursue an additional major in Spanish in hopes of becoming a bilingual nurse and “breaking down cultural barriers in healthcare, thereby improving patient care.”

Within the Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Department, Xeanna appreciates the small class sizes, which allow professors to know all of their students by name and form supportive relationships. She says Spanish faculty “genuinely want me to succeed and are always there to help me when I need it”.

Xeanna has also enjoyed opportunities to be involved in community engagement in the Saint Peter area, showing students that they can make a difference in their community. Experiences like community engagement, as well as the language buddies program which allows students to talk to people from across the world, have made Xeanna feel more confident in her ability to speak another language and be the best healthcare provider that she can be. She says, “I experienced getting to see many different cultures and beliefs among many different people in the same community!”

Through cultural understanding and knowledge, Xeanna hopes to aid in bridging cultural and language divides to improve the healthcare system and better be able to help people.

Outside of academics, Xeanna is also involved on campus with the Gustavus Newman Center. 


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