Itzell Martinez ‘24Spanish Major
Posted on July 5th, 2024 by

“[Faculty] have helped me with course planning and experience with working with Latino communities.”

Three photos of Itzell Martinez Itzell decided to major in Spanish because she wants to help bridge divides between Spanish and non-Spanish speakers. She says, “In a professional setting, majoring in Spanish allows me to take on more projects that help non-English speakers.”

Something that Itzell has enjoyed in the Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Department is the opportunities to participate in community engagement programs. She has been involved with teaching English and Spanish to the Latino community in Saint Peter and working with their children, which has “taught me the importance of helping others and the difference you can make.”

Itzell also appreciates the support that she has received from Spanish professors who have helped her solve registration problems and are always available to answer questions and help their students.

She has enjoyed course content, such as learning about the music, culture, and food of Spain, which she describes as “a very fun and interactive way to learn about the different cultures within the regions that make up Spain.”

Itzell also appreciates the connections that she has been able to build with Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures faculty outside of the classroom, who have all helped her in different ways. She describes her professors as caring, compassionate, and understanding, and they are all people that she can go to for advice or just a laugh.

Outside of the Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures Department, Itzell is also involved on campus with Gustie Greeters, Tri Sigma Sorority, OLAS. 



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